Check-in, Technology and Cultural Differences

Yesterday the women came back to the center for a quick check-in to review their photos on the laptop and make sure they were on the right track. We learned quite a few things.

1. The camera batteries did not last as long as expected and we suddenly found out that we had to charge 10 cameras. A quick charging station was set up. Thanks to John we had the capability to connect all at once, but organization was lacking and there was confusion. The numbers had rubbed off the bottoms camera so it was hard to keep track of which camera belonged to who. Quick use of sticky notes was employed somewhat effectively - along with the identifying numbers on the SD cards.

2. Structured check-ins are much more effective. Having the women come anytime between 1:00 and 3:00 did not work very well. I should have had a sign up sheet so that it would have been more organized and they would not have needed to wait. That said, it was helpful that they were all there when I finished the last review as I was able t give them a "pep talk" as they go out to finish their photos.

3. They are doing really well at taking reality photos, but there were a lot of the same photos of the outside of clinics, the hospital and sick people. There were very few compelling "stories." I encouraged them to utilize posed situations and symbols. Both of these ideas are understandably hard to take from an idea to an image.

Final photo reviews are Saturday and Sunday. I am hoping that the temperature cools a bit as it was about 90 degrees in our meeting room and I will be in there for many hours.

Delia, Precious and me reviewing photos

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