PhotoVoice Training - Day 3

Training is complete! The ladies are launched into Mansa to take photos that answer the research question – what are the barriers to getting health care? As I told the ladies in closing today - I am done instructing them and now I will be the one listening.

Today was focused on photo exercises. John led the ladies in three activities where they could practice taking photos. In small groups the ladies first practiced taking pictures of each other in both dark and light locations. I’m not sure that they understood the purpose very well, but they enjoyed taking photos of each other. John (with help from Christo from AFnet) then reviewed all the photos. This involved taking the SIM card out of each camera, uploading their photos to a folder and using the projector to show images on the screen. Unfortunately the light and color that was projected was not the same as on the laptop. The next task was for them to take photos of objects and focus on composition: angles, rule of thirds and negative space. Again John, Christo and I provided individualized feedback. The women were visibly proud when John gave them praise for their work. There is definitely a whole different dynamic in the room when males are present. This worked very well for the photo training, but I am glad that any one-on-one or group sessions will be with the women only as they are much more relaxed and many more participate in discussions.

Lastly each of the three groups were given one word and they were instructed to go out in the community and take photographs of that word. Love – Family – Power. We reminded them of the three types of photographs that we have been talking about: reality, posed, or symbols. Many of the women took very literal pictures of their topic that were not very stimulating, but many did exhibit critical thinking and creativity.  A few are shown below:



The photo exercises definitely took more time than I planned for and I would have devoted more time to this. It was also frustrating that we would ask them to only take eight photos and they would come back with 15-30 photos which we could obviously not review in a group setting in the given time. I am sure we missed reviewing some good photos. Despite repeated instruction about how to delete and how many to submit, it didn’t quite seem to sink in with them. I was also quite concerned when at the end of the day after many hours of discussion they could not tell me what the research question was. ACK! Hopefully I reinforced the question before they left.

At the close of the day, it got a bit disjointed and there was lots of confusion in Bemba about the schedule for the next few days and the consent. I definitely lost control! Tomorrow they will be “in the field” taking photos and Wednesday there will be a quick check-in to see if they are understanding the concept and allow them to ask questions. However I am not sure that they understood that this would be a quick drop-in check in and I am concerned they will ALL show up at 1:00PM. 

 Below is the group photo of these 10 beautiful lades and Delia our translator (next to me on the left). 

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