Mansa Health Care Assessment

This research study will engage 10 women that live in poverty in Mansa. Participants will each receive a digital camera along with photography training and orientation to the project. They will take photos that represent their experiences in accessing health care: the barriers, the benefits, what works well and what doesn’t.

The women will meet with me several times over a two week period to share and discuss their photos. They will eventually chose the most meaningful photos and, in a group setting, discuss their photos and the share their thoughts with the other women in the group. Lastly, they will provide captions to explain the meaning of their photos.

Selected photos will be printed and displayed at a public exhibition so that community members and health care leaders can hear the voices of these women through their photographs.

I hope that this project will benefit the city of Mansa by providing a starting point for examination and problem solving around issues of health care and by preparing community members to get involved and work toward change.

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