
We arrived in Mansa yesterday after two 10 hours flights, one 90 minute flight and a 10 hour drive. We arrived with all cameras, printer and supplies intact after multiple TSA searches. Unfortunately the toothpaste that I inadvertently packed in the carry-on did not fare so well.

Today started out with an unexpected meeting with the 10 ladies that will be participating in the project. While I was very glad to meet them, I was surprised and unprepared when they arrived at 9:00. So I improvised and reminded myself TIA.

The rest of the day was spent checking the connections to the printer and projector and, reviewing the set up of the room, and organizing the food that will be served to the ladies for lunch over the next three days. Schola the cook for the orphan day care center prepared a menu and list of costs for each item for our review. For example, chickens for one of the lunches for 11 women was the equivalent of $8 US and rice $5 US. We then made a trip to the one grocery store in town - Shoprite - and bought the necessary food (along with sustenance for us as well).

The street that runs directly in front of the church/orphan center where we will be meeting with the women.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see what their grocery store looks like! Glad you made the long arrival trek safely and hopefully you found toothpaste!!
